Architecture and Governance
Working Group
Toward a common Interplanetary Network that is interoperable, scalable, and secure to support human and robotic exploration and commercialization in space

Our Mission
Our mission is to seek and facilitate governance structures and instruments to promote the development of a common Interplanetary Networking architecture by taking into account the lessons from the Internet.

Key Members
Yosuke Kaneko [IPNSIG Chair, AWG Lead]
Vint Cerf [IPNSIG founder]
Helen Tabunshchyk [AWG Secretariat]
Scott Burleigh [Formerly NASA/JPL]
Marc Blanchet [President, Viagenie]
Keith Scott [CCSDS]
Suzuki Kiyohisa [JAXA, CCSDS]
Oscar Garcia [PWG lead]
Laura Chappell/Ginny Spicer/Henry Danielson [TDWG]
Invited Members
Scott Pace [George Washington University]
Jim Green [Formerly NASA chief scientist]
James Schier [NASA SCAN/HQ]
Dave Israel [NASA/LunaNet]
Felix Flentge [ESA]
Leigh Torgerson [NASA/JPL]
Ed Birrane [IETF DTNWG Chair]
Marius Feldmann [D3TN]